Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena)

Hnísa, Schweinswal, Marsouin Commun, Marsopa Común, Marsvin, Nise, Tumlare

The Harbour Porpoise is the most abundant and smallest cetacean around Iceland.  They are usually shy but occasionally they come and play around the boats. They are relatively hard to spot due to their size so, calm weather is the best conditions to see this species especially in the peak summer months. However, it is nice to see them with their young in late summer, early autumn.

Often seen in Eyjafjörður/Akureyri in the summer.

Length: 1.5-2 meters

Weight: 55-70 kg

Life expectancy: 15 years

Est. population around Iceland: 25,000- 27,000

Social behaviour: Very social, usual group size is between 3-20 can be found in their hundreds

Diet: Fish, squid

Suborder: Odontoceti – Toothed Whale

Family: Phocoenidae

IUCN Listing: Least Concern

Major threats: Climate change, chemical and noise pollution, human disturbance, bycatch

Other Names: Hnísa, Schweinswal, Marsouin Commun, Marsopa Común, Marsvin, Nise, Tumlare