Tuesday, 2 April 2024

The weather today was beautiful… in spells. We had a strong Eastern wind and northern swell that varied throughout the day providing a mixture of glassy and choppy seas. It was overcast for the whole morning, however, in the afternoon the entire sky open up to reveal all of the mountains with sunny skies.

In our morning tour we sailed to in line with Grenivik where we encountered our recent resident Humpback Whale. The whale was diving for around 5 minutes at the beginning with very high flukes, however, this did change later on and we left the whale exhibiting no fluke surface swimming. Here in the first picture, you can see a new piece of jewelry our loving Humpback has acquired. This fishing line appears to be tangled around the barnacles on its fluke, seemingly not posing a serious threat, however highlights clearly the dangers that discarded fishing gear can have on cetaceans. We will look to monitor this ‘bling’, so long as we continue to see this whale, and hope it does not start to pose a problem.

On our afternoon tour we were unable to find any cetaceans, visiting the area the whale of the day was previously sighted. Unfortunately, these things can and do happen, however, we gave our guests our customary complimentary tickets in the hope next time they join us we are able to have an encounter. Another great reminder that every experience with these whales is a 2 way exchange. It is by no means our right to see and enjoy them every day and this fact should always be respected.

Test & Pictures: Mac

Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300 O’Clock