Humpback Whale (Megaptera Novaeangliae)


Hnúfubakur, Buckelwal, Rorqual à bosse, Pukkelhval, Knølhval, Ballenajorobada

The Humpback Whale is quite spectacular undergoing the longest migration of any mammal (5176miles/8334km one way), attracting females by singing to them and of course their energetic nature. On many occasions humpbacks have been seen breaching, tail slapping, fin slapping, blowing bubbles and spy hopping just to mention a few. 

In Eyjafjörður / Akureyri can be seen all year round - highest sightings success in the past years.

Length: 13-17 meters

Weight: 25-40 tons

Life expectancy: 95 years

Est. population around Iceland: 1.000-2.000

Social behaviour: Considered as solitary species but like to travel in a pairs and more individuals may come together in feeding and mating grounds

Diet: Schooling fish, krill

Suborder: Mysticeti – Baleen Whale

Family: Balaenopteridae – RorqualIUCN

Listing: Least Concern

Major threats: Climate change, noise and chemical pollution, marine debris, human disturbance, habitat loss and entanglement in fishing lines and nets

Other Names: Hnúfubakur, Buckelwal, Rorqual à bosse, Pukkelhval, Knølhval, Ballenajorobada