Sunday, 1 October 2017

The first day of October started off really foggy on our morning tour but with calm seas. Even though one could not see further than 200 meters at times, we managed to find several humpback whales. They came very close to the boat, however due to the limited visibility it was quite tricky to keep track of all the different individuals. There must have been at least six different whales around. On the afternoon tour the fog had lifted so that we first met King Louis and a minke whale before heading to the area where we would spend the majority of our time with 5-6 different humpback whales. From far we saw two breaches and were already super happy, when two whales decided to perform a double breach less than 50 meters away from Holmasol. It was absolutely stunning and surprising because it came so unexpected. The start of a hopefully golden October certainly has been successful.

Text and pictures by Babsi Neubarth